Apparently I was bored today so I spent the day revamping the layout and designing the header. The layout doesn't take much time because all I did was changing the color codes that I previously set up for the previous layout. The background, those sprocket holes, took only a little while because they're just holes I did just to fill the blank a little. What took some time was the header. I waited long just to think of what to put in it.
Anyways, the city line, or silhoutte or whatever you call it was based on one of a friend's work. Kimal.
Thanks goes to him.
I know, I know. It's not that much of a change anyway. The wrappers are pretty much still the same. I thought of changing it all way through but you know, laziness prevented that from happening. The choice of colours may seem somewhat moody but never mind. At the very least, it makes coloured pictures pop out. : D
At least, that's what I think.
Fine :) I'll pluck you instead.
Laws created by human, there are always flaws.
Yashica MG-1.
Fuji Superia 200 ISO.
Yashica MG-1.
Fuji Superia 200 ISO.