Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Days of The Analogue

The pictures were all taken using aYashica MG-1.
An old rangefinder camera from the 1975.
The one I bought from an antique seller at Arena Square, Kuala Kangsar during the Perak Water Festival.
That day, was a day I'll never forget.
And so I have the old camera as a memento.

The camera though old, it still looks nice and functioning well.
As a film camera, the pictures sure surprised me after having it processed and scanned.
Well you know, you won't know how the picture looks like the moment you snap it.
Even with some damage to the film of an unknown cause, all that I can say is,
I'm pretty much satisfied.
P/S: The light leaks, I am not sure where it came from. I'm sure that I didn't open the back cover when there's a film. I need more time experimenting to figure it out.
Yashica Mg-1, Shutter 1/500s, f=2.8, Fuji Superia ISO 200.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Palace Moments : The Dinner

Istana Iskandariah, Kuala Kangsar Royal Palace

The Fifth Formers.
Dinner inside Istana Iskandariah,
Along with the Royal Highness, the Sultan of Perak 
and Raja Muda Perak.
There's nothing that I could say is enough to describe it.
Of having the opportunity to step my feet inside this palace,
It just made me felt so lucky.

Photos, credits goes to Zakwan,
his Olympus Pen and those who
meddled with his cam.